måndag 28 juli 2014

Hamas & Nordkorea

Hamas and North Korea in secret arms deal

Exclusive: Hamas has paid North Korea for missiles and communications equipment in arms deal worth hundreds of thousands of dollars

Exklusivt: Hamas har betalat Nordkorea för missiler och kommunikationsutrustning i vapenaffär värda hundratusentals dollar

Hamas militanta försöker förhandla fram en ny vapenaffär med Nordkorea för missiler och kommunikationsutrustning som ger dem möjlighet att behålla sin offensiv mot Israel, enligt västerländska säkerhetskällor. 
Säkerhetstjänstemän säger att affären mellan Hamas och Nordkorea är värda hundratusentals dollar och hanteras av en libanesisk-baserade handelsföretag med nära band till den militanta palestinska organisation baserad i östra Beirut. 
Hamas tjänstemän tros har redan gjort en första kontant delbetalning för att säkra affären, och hoppas nu att Nordkorea snart kommer att börja levereras extra leveranser av vapen till Gaza. 
"Hamas är ute efter sätt att fylla på sina lager av missiler på grund av det stora antalet har avfyrats mot Israel under de senaste veckorna," förklarade en säkerhetstjänsteman. "Nordkorea är en självklar plats att söka leveranser eftersom Pyongyang har redan nära band med ett antal militanta islamistiska grupper i Mellanöstern." 
Med hjälp av mellanhänder som finns i Libanon, är Hamas tjänstemän sade att intensifiera sina ansträngningar för att underteckna ett nytt avtal med Pyongyang för att ge hundratals missiler tillsammans med kommunikationsutrustning som kommer att förbättra möjligheten för Hamas att samordna verksamheten mot israeliska styrkor.

Hamas Killed 160 Palestinian Children to Build Tunnels

Militant group used child labor to construct underground network in Gaza

An Israeli soldier is seen at the entrance of a tunnel dug by Palestinians beneath the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel on October 13, 2013. ( DAVID BUIMOVITCH/AFP/Getty Images)

By Myer Freimann — Jul 25, 2014

As the death toll of Operation Protective Edge rises, the deaths of children are firmly in the spotlight—and rightly so. It pains all reasonable people to hear of children dying as the consequence of war. Hamas and its supporters display gruesome pictures of dead and wounded children in order to gain sympathy for their portrait of Israel as the villain intent on killing Palestinians. In response, Israel cites the need to stop Hamas from firing thousands of rockets at its own children, who are being forced to live in bomb shelters, as well as the need to eliminate the tunnels that Hamas dug into Israel in order to carry out terror attacks against Israelis. One tunnel opening was found underneath an Israeli kindergarten.

But who built those tunnels? The answer is Hamas, of course—using some of the same children who are now trapped under fire in Gaza.

The Institute for Palestine Studies published a detailed report on Gaza’s Tunnel Phenomenon in the summer of 2012. It reported that tunnel construction in Gaza has resulted in a large number of child deaths.

“At least 160 children have been killed in the tunnels, according to Hamas officials”

The author, Nicolas Pelham, explains that Hamas uses child laborers to build their terror tunnels because, “much as in Victorian coal mines, they are prized for their nimble bodies”.

Human rights groups operating in Gaza raised concerns about child labor in the tunnels as far back as 2008. Hamas responded by saying it was “considering curbs.” Following Operation Cast Lead in 2009 Hamas softened its position and the Interior Ministry established the Tunnel Affairs Commission (TAC) which, “In response to public concern at a rising toll of tunnel casualties, particularly of child workers…issued guidelines intended to ensure safe working conditions.” No mention is made in the report of the conditions that would result for both Palestinian and Israeli children from building tunnels that would be used to launch terror attacks.

Nor does it seem that Hamas paid much subsequent attention to ensuring the safety of the child workers that it used to build the tunnels that would wind up endangering the lives of many in Gaza. On a tour of the tunnels in 2011, Pelham noted that, “nothing was done to impede the use of children in the tunnels.”

Not only are Hamas misappropriating much of the humanitarian aid supplied to Gaza—800,000 tons of cement were used to construct the terror tunnels into Israel—they are also directly exploiting and endangering Gaza’s youth in their construction and operation.

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